As a forum to inform the public about the ongoing procurement process of goods and services at PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO). Also as an initial platform to provide information to prospective new vendors who want to register as a company vendor. In encouraging efforts to provide the best service and heed the principles of Good Corporate Governance, PEFINDO is determined to create a transparent, effective and efficient procurement process.
Procurement of Group Life Insurance, Inpatient Health and Maternity PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO)
Release Date : 07 November 2023/lib/files/TOR%20Pengadaan%20Asuransi%20Jiwa%20Kesehatan%20Rawat%20Inap%20dan%20Melahirkan%20Tahun%202023%20-%202024(3).pdf
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