PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) is established on 21 December 1993 by the initiative of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency/BAPEPAM (now Financial Services Authority or Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) and Bank Indonesia. As the first independent credit rating agency in Indonesia with a proven realibility, PEFINDO has a role to analyze of the probability of default of a company or a debt instrument in Indonesia.
Has been actively contributed for more than 25 years to provide credit rating service in Indonesia, PEFINDO has rated more than 1.100 entities and various capital market instruments, among others, Bonds and Subordinated Bonds, Sukuk (sharia/ Islamic bonds), Medium-Term Notes (MTN), Collective Investment Contracts Asset-Backed Securities, Mutual Funds, and Real Estate Investment Trust and Commercial Papers. For the purpose of supporting the proposed issuance of municipal bond in Indonesia, PEFINDO since 2011 also has started to analyze and rate the local government in Indonesia.
Apart from its rating services, PEFINDO also expanding its revenue by actively conducting research in Indonesia capital market by issuing its own indices i.e., PEFINDO25 and PEFINDO i-Grade as well as its publication products that has become one of consideration benchmark by Indonesia capital market players such as Indonesia Sectoral Review/ISR and Indonesia Rating Highlight/IRH and any other products that provide any information about Indonesia capital market.