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PEFINDO AGMS Re-appointed Irmawati as President Director

PEFINDO AGMS Re-appointed Irmawati as President Director

27 Jun 2023

Jakarta, June 27, 2023. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) year 2023 has approved
the company's annual report and ratified the audited financial statements for the fiscal year 2022 and re-appoint Irmawati as the President Director of the Company for period 2023-2027.

At the AGMS, the Board of Directors presented PEFINDO's achievements in 2022. Amid high global and domestic financial market uncertainties due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2022, national debt issuance activity increased compared to the previous year with a total issuance of Rp163.63 trillion, where this issuance was the second highest after the issuance of debt securities in 2017. From the total issuance of national debt securities, PEFINDO has rated debt securities worth Rp132.7 trillion. This number has increased compared to 2021 which was recorded at Rp84.4 trillion. PEFINDO also still controls 81% shares of the domestic bond rating market.

For further information, please contact:

PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO)
Corporate Secretary
Phone: 082112599959