Indonesia’s Most Trusted  Rating Agency

Request for Comment: Group Support Methodology

Request for Comment: Group Support Methodology

2 May 2024

PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) has published its Request for Comment: Group Support Methodology to solicit written comments on our proposed methodology from interested market participants.

The methodology describes how PEFINDO assesses the potential for extraordinary credit support from group entities or the government, surpassing what is already considered in the standalone credit rating of the supported entities. The methodology articulates the steps involved in determining the members of the group, the assigned support provider, the capabilities of the support provider, and the likelihood of the group supporting the supported entity, while also considering the supported entity’s standalone credit strength. The proposed methodology may result in rating actions affecting less than 1% of entities rated by PEFINDO.

We encourage interested market participants to submit their written comments on the proposed methodology through the Contact Us page by filling in the fields provided or by submitting an email to for our consideration, no later than two weeks from the date of this publication.

Download File:  Request for Comment: Group Support Methodology (Draft)