Restrictions on Community Activities are Removed, Economic Recovery Continues. PPKM Revoked Along with Well-Maintained Health Indicators The government has decided to revoke the Implementation of Restricting Community Activities (Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat/PPKM) on December 30, 2022, which was previously stated in the Minister of Home Affairs Instructions Numbers 50 and 51 of 2022. This then places restrictions on community activities that were previously set to prevent and control the transmission of Covid-19, which have been abolished. This policy was taken in line with the controlled transmission of Covid-19. Based on data from the Ministry of Health as of December 31, it was recorded that daily confirmed cases had decreased and were at the level of 1.65/100 thousand population/week, hospitalization cases were only 0.33/100 thousand population/week, deaths were only 0.03/100 thousand population/week, and the positivity rate is only 2.78%. Various indicators that have shown improvement have then become the basis for policies to lift restrictions that have previously been implemented.